Medical Care
When residents come to live at Sharnbrook Lodge, they can remain with their present GP, if the GP is willing, or to change to a GP of their choice. Care is given by a partnership between GPs, District Nurses and the Staff Team. If you need to make an appointment, you should let the Senior Care assistant know.

We have a range of activities at Sharnbrook Lodge and we encourage all our residents to take part. They range from drawing and painting to music and model-making and also include cooking, art and craft, quizzes, poetry, reading and outdoor visits. Trips to the shops, cinema, theatre or pub are also arranged.

The hairdresser visits the Care Home weekly on a Thursday from 10.00am. If you would like an appointment or enquire about costs, please speak to one of our Care Assistants.

Sharnbrook Lodge has a visiting chiropodist who visits the Home every eight weeks. If you are interested in booking an appointment or want to enquire about costs, please speak to a member of staff. They´d be only too happy to assist you.

Dental Care
A dentist visits the care Home as and when required. Should you need treatment, let us know and we´ll take an appointment for you.

We have a well equipped laundry room providing high spin commercial Sluice washer, a commercial gas tumble dryer and a commercial rotary ironer.

Spiritual Care
We hold an inter-denominational service every second Tuesdays of the month and all residents are welcome to attend. The local area is serviced by representatives from most denominations and we´re more than happy for friends or family to take residents out to a service of their choice if they wish.

Short Term Respite Care
Sharnbrook Lodge can offer residents, short stay respite care and welcome those who would benefit from a break from their usual routine. This may also be for a period of support or rehabilitation after a stay in hospital and is for an average of up to two weeks. This also allows the resident and their family the opportunity to familiarise themselves with Sharnbrook Lodge and what we can offer, in readiness for when more intensive support may be needed.